Child Pornography
Child Pornography
Sex crime charges, convictions, and other methods associated with them are among the highest and harshest. These are especially serious when dealing with child pornography. When you’re facing urgent cases such as these, you want proper representation. Kevin D. Musolf has years of experience representing and defending those who require assistance throughout a very grave scenario. These cases attract the attention of the media and local communities. They can ruin your reputation, career, family, and the rest of your life. It’s important that you hire an attorney who understands the severity of these charges and the situation as a whole. Call for a free consultation today.
Charges We Defend
Some of the charges we defend against are:
Knowing the Facts
As one of the few attorneys in the state of Wisconsin who deals in representation for child pornography charges, Kevin D. Musolf is your go-to. He knows both sides of the legal system after defending hundreds of cases. Child pornography possession is one of the harshest sentences due to the manner of the crime and its consequences. It is categorized as a sex crime involving a minor. Wisconsin courts tend to push for maximum sentences and penalties. These come with extensive fines, minimum years serving time in prison, and a lifetime living as a registered sex offender.